We hope you’re staying safe and well, and thank you for your support throughout the recent unrest in our region. We feel it is important to reiterate our message that we absolutely condemn any racist or violent language or behaviour, and will not tolerate it from anyone we work with.

The safety of our employees and our customers is our priority. We are aiming to run our services as normal, but must ensure that we are not putting any of our people at risk. This may result in some delays to services, including repairs and maintenance, and we will contact you if you are affected.

If you need to get in touch, you can contact us on enquiries@syha.co.uk or call 0800 1380 380. You can also call 0800 1380 380 to get through to our out-of-hours team if you have an emergency repair.

If you experience anti-social and/or racist behaviour, please let us know by calling 0800 1380 380 or email enquiries@syha.co.uk (if it’s an emergency and you are in danger, contact the police by calling 999).

Everyone should feel safe and welcome in their local area. However, we understand that many people will be feeling unsafe as a result of the recent demonstrations. HOPE not hate has shared some helpful guidance on actions you can take, including:

  • Stay connected to your community to find out about any risks or planned activity, and for support and solidarity
  • Keep your phone charged and let someone know where you are going, and when you expect to return
  • Avoiding going out alone or as part of a large group, if possible.

Over the last few days, we are pleased to have seen peaceful counter-protests and celebrations of united and diverse communities. We will continue working with our customers, colleagues and local organisations to ensure South Yorkshire is a welcoming place for all.