3 October-7 October 2022 is TPAS’ Scrutiny Week – a week dedicated to raising the profile of customer involvement, championing the importance of customer voice (and the action it inspires), and providing an opportunity to thank the many customers who give their time and support in all kinds of ways.

We’re really pleased to be celebrating #scrutintyweek by sharing our first customer-led Annual Health Check Report. This approach to scrutiny enables our customers to co-evaluate how we are doing against our Customer Promises, to highlight areas where we are doing well, and to offer suggestions for improvements.

We’d like to say a huge thank you to our scrutiny panel for all their time and energy in creating the report, which you can read below.

Read our first customer-led Annual Health Check.

Read the report

What’s happened since the report was created?

  • The Scrutiny Panel presented the report and their findings directly to SYHA’s board in their June meeting.
  • In September, our Customer Collaboration team spoke to department heads about their reflections on the Annual Health Check, and what actions they’re going to take.
  • We’re sharing the Annual Health Check with customers through our Annual Review

What’s next?

  • The Scrutiny Panel will meet again with department heads in six months time to see what progress has been made.

Get Involved

We have a whole range of opportunities for customers to get involved with the work we do, including regular commitments or a one-off depending on the level of time you can spare.

You can find out more about the ways to get involved by heading to our Customer Involvement page. 

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