It’s Volunteers’ Week and we’re celebrating by saying a big thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers who make such valuable contributions to our work.

We’ve been speaking to our fantastic Scrutiny Panel, who told us what they enjoy about their voluntary role and the skills they’ve developed.

“I was out of work and receiving employment support from Good Work. When I was invited to the Scrutiny Panel, I thought I might as well give it a go. It’s something that’s different, with lots of variety. I am proud of being part of the panel for four years. It’s helped me be in a better place, to get a job and start university.

I was nervous about talking to people before, and this has helped with my confidence. I also struggled in a professional environment and it has helped with this too.”

Lisa, Scrutiny Panel member


A photo of Lisa. She's wearing a white top and smiling to someone off-camera.

“I was out of work, and I wanted to do something that counted. I enjoy meeting with a group of people, who have become friends and is something a little bit different from normal life. I was proud to be one of the first people to mention South Yorkshire Housing Association should do text-based surveys. My confidence has improved and I enjoy the opportunity to present to the Board.”

DG, Scrutiny Panel member

“It’s something worthwhile to do and I wanted to be involved where I live. I was interested to find out about the organisation, and I have gained useful insight into how it works. I turn up to every meeting and prepare for them – it gives me something to do, particularly at the moment due to my health conditions. It helps to keep me going and gives me a purpose. I’ve improved my communication skills, and enjoy speaking to lots of different people.”

RM, Scrutiny Panel member

“I have volunteered for a lot of years and for many different organisations. When I was offered my bungalow, I felt like I had won the lottery and when I was asked to be on the panel, I said yes because I wanted to give something back to South Yorkshire Housing Association. That was years ago and I still feel like that today. I feel like I make a difference and that’s important.

I now have good communication and presentation skills, which I’ve developed through my voluntary work.”

Pam, Scrutiny Panel member and Board member

A photo of Pam. She's wearing a pink floral top and smiling at the camera.

Our Changing Futures Co-production Associates use their insight, talents and lived experience to improve local services and support.

Alan speaks about his voluntary work as a Changing Futures Associate:

“I’ve been a Changing Futures Associate for 19 months, supporting co-production and the development of other services. I use my previous lived experience to help other people and unite them together. It massively gives me self-worth and a feeling of accomplishment by helping other people.

I have physical disabilities and this work stops me from being alone. I like being involved in a community and being a part of something. I’m inspired by the people I work with, because I know that there are other people going through similar recovery circumstances on their own journey. If others can do it, I can do it too!

I’m now more confident and trusting. Meeting people on a similar life path has helped me to open up and trust people more. I’m more content and more driven to carry on and help people.”

Alan, Changing Futures Associate
