Tenant Satisfaction Measures

Tenant Satisfaction Measures are a new way of measuring the performance of social landlords. They have been introduced to monitor how well we’re doing at providing quality homes and services, and to understand how we can make improvements.

We’ve worked with Viewpoint to collect our customers’ feedback about how we’re doing. This is included in our Tenant Satisfaction Measures alongside other performance data. Thank you to all our customers that shared their thoughts and experiences.

Viewpoint will continue to contact our customers approximately every two years to complete a Tenant Satisfaction Measures survey. We really appreciate you sharing your feedback.

Our results for 2023-24

Here’s our results for each Tenant Satisfaction Measures theme. This includes Tenant Perception Measures, Anti-social behaviour, Complaints, Building safety and Decent Homes Standards. We’ll use the feedback and data to understand what’s going well, and where we need to make changes to improve our services.


of our customers are satisfied with our overall service.

We’ve engaged Housemark to understand the sector’s Tenant Satisfaction Measures performance and trends. Their latest sector benchmark median for customer satisfaction is 69.4%.

We are proud to be above the benchmark, but know there is still more that we can do to increase customer satisfaction. This page includes some examples of what we’re doing to make improvements – and we’ll share more in our Annual Review later this year.

Anti-social behaviour

Number of anti-social behaviour cases, opened per 1,000 homes. 88.5
Number of anti-social behaviour cases that involve hate incidents opened per 1,000 homes. 1.9



Building safety

Proportion of homes for which all required gas safety checks have been carried out. 99.9%
Proportion of homes for which all required fire risk assessments have been carried out. 100.0%
Proportion of homes for which all required asbestos management surveys or re-inspections have been carried out. 100.0%
Proportion of homes for which all required legionella risk assessments have been carried out. 99.9%
Proportion of homes for which all required communal passenger lift safety checks have been carried out. 100.0%

Gas safety checks and legionella safety checks that were incomplete were being managed through our tenancy enforcement process. We are incredibly grateful to customers who give access for contractors to undertake these critical safety checks.


Decent Homes Standards and Repairs

Proportion of homes that do not meet the Decent Homes Standard. 0.1%
Proportion of non-emergency responsive repairs completed within the landlord’s target timescale. 82.9%
Proportion of emergency responsive repairs completed within the landlord’s target timescale. 100.0%


Number of stage one complaints received per 1,000 homes. 46.8
Number of stage two complaints received per 1,000 homes. 3.2
Proportion of stage one complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code timescales. 66.4%
Proportion of stage two complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code timescales. 100%

We’ve shared more information about changes we’re making as a result of learning from complaints. You can also find out more about our performance.

Tenant Perception Measures

Proportion of respondents who report that they are satisfied with the overall service from their landlord. 78.0%
Proportion of respondents who have received a repair in the last 12 months who report that they are satisfied with the overall repairs service. 78.8%
Proportion of respondents who have received a repair in the last 12 months who report that they are satisfied with the time taken to complete their most recent repair. 77.2%
Proportion of respondents who report that they are satisfied that their home is well maintained. 80.0%
Proportion of respondents who report that they are satisfied that their home is safe. 81.6%
Proportion of respondents who report that they are satisfied that their landlord listens to tenant views and acts upon them. 66.8%
Proportion of respondents who report that they are satisfied that their landlord keeps them informed about things that matter to them. 69.6%
Proportion of respondents who report that they agree their landlord treats them fairly and with respect. 82.7%
Proportion of respondents who report making a complaint in the last 12 months who are satisfied with their landlord’s approach to complaints handling. 45.1%
Proportion of respondents with communal areas who report that they are satisfied that their landlord keeps communal areas clean and well maintained. 65.6%
Proportion of respondents who report that they are satisfied that their landlord makes a positive contribution to the neighbourhood. 64.1%
Proportion of respondents who report that they are satisfied with their landlord’s approach to handling anti-social behaviour. 60.6%


of our customers are satisfied that their home is well maintained.

We’re pleased to have received some positive feedback about our services, and we’re proud that we’re keeping your homes safe and in good condition. The measures have also highlighted opportunities where we can make improvements. Here’s some examples of how we’re making changes:

  • We’re committed to using learning from complaints to improve our services, processes and communications, and share quarterly updates about our progress.
  • We know that the quality of our repairs service is important to our customers, and we’re pleased that many of you are satisfied with your recent repairs. We have recently completed a review of our repairs and maintenance services to understand how we can improve our offer.
  • We encourage our customers to report any anti-social behaviour, and work with our customers, the police, and local authorities to resolve cases. We use all feedback to understand how we can improve, and have some areas of focus for the year ahead. This includes improving our communication about the case management process, and ensuring that customers understand they can contact us if an issue re-occurs.