
If something goes wrong, we want you to tell us so that we have an opportunity to put it right. We will also use learning from your complaint to help improve our services. To make a complaint, or get an update about an existing complaint, please get in touch.

Our complaints policy explains what we will do when someone makes a complaint, and is for customers of South Yorkshire Housing Association and Alliance Housing Association (South Yorkshire).

Make a complaint


How we’re doing

Here’s some examples of how we’ve used learning from complaints to make improvements to our services.

Complaints and performance improvement report 2023-24

In these reports, you can find out more about the complaints we received in 2023-24, the action we’ve taken, and our plans for 2024-25.

Annual Self-Assessment

The Housing Ombudsman’s updated Complaint Handling Code took effect from the 1st April 2024. Each year, we complete a self-assessment to make sure we respond to complaints effectively and fairly, and share it with our customers, Board, and the Housing Ombudsman.

Our Board have reviewed our Complaints self-assessment and performance improvement reports. You can read their response here.

The Housing Ombudsman

The Housing Ombudsman is a free, independent, and impartial service. Their website has information about how landlords are expected to handle complaints, the help they offer to social housing residents, and other useful information and resources.