Safety at home

Safety at home It’s important that you feel safe and secure in your home. On this page, you can find advice, information on how to reduce risks, and more details about how we can help. It includes guidance on fire safety, charging e-bikes, asbestos and water safety. Fire Safety Our Fire Safety guide shares more […]

Homes for Cathy

Homes for Cathy Homes for Cathy is a national alliance of housing associations, charities and local authorities working together to end homelessness. Homes for Cathy was formed in 2016 to mark 50 years since the release of Ken Loach’s Cathy Come Home. We wanted to show that homelessness is still a significant and prevalent issue, […]

05 Dec 2019

Home is where the (he)art is

Providing our tenants with the opportunity to experience joy through arts and culture in their local community is as important to us as providing a home to feel safe and warm in.