Transfers and swaps If you want to find a new home, you can apply for a transfer or a swap. These can be great options if you’d like a bit of extra space, to move to a different area, or you’re looking for a home better suited to your needs. Transfers If you live in a […]
Improving homes We want to give all our customers a home that feels safe and secure, and that they feel proud to live in. Every year we invest in our homes by updating kitchens, and replacing bathrooms, boilers, windows and doors. Kitchens We update the kitchens in all of our homes every 20 to 25 […]
Book a repair As part of your tenancy with us, there are repair jobs that we’re responsible for. These are usually any big problems where you’ll need a trade professional to carry out the work. Our aim is to fix your repair as quickly as possible. We aim to complete repairs within four weeks, and […]