
We love hearing about what’s happening in your community and how we can work with you to make your neighbourhood as homely and pleasant as possible.

The Neighbourhood Environmental Action Team

Our Neighbourhood Environmental Action Team (NEAT) are a team of caretakers, gardeners and cleaners who keep your neighbourhoods looking lovely.

You’ll probably be familiar with NEAT as they’re often driving around in our branded vans and working hard to keep communal areas tidy, windows clean, and gardens looking smart. They also look after the wider community to improve areas of land.

A photo of one our maintenance vans at the depot. It is pink and white, with our logo and an illustration of a traffic cone on the back.

There are lots of ways you can get in touch with us to share what’s good about living in your neighbourhood, or let us know about anything that you’d like improving. You can come and join us when we’re walking round the area, get in touch via social media, or contact your housing officer.

You can get in touch with our neighbourhood teams by:

Sending an email to

Calling  0114 2900 200

Contacting us on Facebook