Our complaints process

We aim to get it right – first time and every time. However, if things go wrong, we want our customers to tell us. We’ll use this information to put things right, to learn from mistakes, and to improve our services.

How you can let us know about your complaint

  • Our online form
  • Email connect@syha.co.uk
  • Phone 0114 2900 200 or 0800 1380380
  • Write to us at South Yorkshire Housing Association, 152 Rockingham Street, Sheffield S1 4EB

What happens when you make a complaint

  • You will receive acknowledgment confirming that we are dealing with your complaint.
  • Your complaint will be given an owner and they will be in touch
  • We aim to respond to your complaint within two weeks

Sometimes we need a bit more time to look into your complaint. If this happens, we will let you know when you can expect a response.

We will also provide information about the Housing Ombudsman and organisations such as Citizens Advice and Shelter, as they may be able to help to resolve any disputes.

Not happy with our response?

You can ask that we review the response to your complaint. If you let us know you want us to review your complaint, you will receive a confirmation that we are reviewing it.

We aim to be back in touch within four weeks, but sometimes we need a bit more time to review your complaint. If this happens, we will let you know.

Still not happy with our response

If we have reviewed our response and still don’t feel we’ve put things right, you can take your complaint to the Housing or Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman. These services review complaints about Housing Associations and care providers, and offer more general advice and information about customer complaints.

Housing Ombudsman (reviews complaints about housing associations)
housing-ombudsman.org.uk or call 0300 111 3000

Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (reviews complaints about care providers)
lgo.org.uk or call 0300 061 0614

Learning from complaints

We listen to what our customers tell us, and use it to learn and improve our services. There will an opportunity to share feedback about how you felt we responded to your complaint. You can find out more about how we’ve made improvements to our services here.


Our complaints policy

Download our complaints policy. Please get in touch if you would like us to send you a paper or digital copy.

Make a complaint


Complete this quick online form, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. Find out more about our complaints process.

    privacy policy

    If you are sharing the complaint on someone else’s behalf, please provide their contact details.

    When we don’t get it right, compensation may be the most appropriate way for us to recognise and mend what has happened. Read our compensation policy, and make a request.